8Friends 0Fans
female Surabaya, Indonesia
welcome to my plurk..
keep smile and spirit..

just one sentence for all
if you think you can,,,you can...
and believed in your heart if you can do it..

novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
baby i'm missing you badly
wishing you here with me
never let you go away
i don't wanna loosed you again.. (music)
novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
Now Playing:
"you really-really make me so crazy"
novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
paling benci kalo di banding-bandingkan...
hate it..
novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
happy new years...
i wish in years to be better from yesterday.. (goodluck)
novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
you make me GALAU... :-(
novhe_charisma bilang
12 years ago
ayo' pulang...
bosen di sini...
novhe_charisma rasa
12 years ago
one day to holiday...make me missing to you...
i want meet you...looking your face whose cool...
novhe_charisma berharap
12 years ago
i hope my friend have too felt whose same for me...
i so,happined if you with me..forever,,,
novhe_charisma tadi
12 years ago
di sekolah liat film hachiko...
huuuhh..binkin nangis... :'-(
novhe_charisma akan
13 years ago
tidur dulu...besok masih UAS