I hate lawn games. Let me sit and watch. And knit.
I think I’ve got a cold coming on my ear hurts.
Retail therapy is a temporary fix. But I still did it yarn of course
Really just not feeling it. I chewed gum yesterday and today my jaw aches. Tired and grumpy.
I’m almost 40 and I just realized that The Beach Boys song “barbara Ann” is a woman’s name. 🤪
Received news that is both surprising and not and has left me distracted. Doesn’t bode well for work.
Enrolled myself in the master hand knitter program. No scholarship for me and I was told my essays were not the right length. Oh well. Onward.
A lot of these commercials feel dirty to me. Not funny or clever. But a “Really?” Also tide has a lot of $$.
Apparently my 10yr old extra gym today and forgot to wear / bring sneakers to school. She called and asked if I’d bring them. I said No. I’m mean.