241Friends 125Fans
female Balikpapan, Indonesia
i am made from the pieces of stone
so i'm not that easy to broke
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
i love to strike a pose
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
don't talk to much, the most important is give your donation to all the victims in MERAPI and MENTAWAI.
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
karma turunnnn, i need some respon :-(
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago 3
respon me please :'-(
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
i love him, i can feel it, it's grow
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
banyak tugassssss
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
mencintai perempuan mencukupi seorang lelaki, tetapi untuk memahaminya seribu lelaki pun belum cukup.
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
it's a fact: if you rearrange the words "Osama Bin Laden" you can spell "An Islam bad one" .
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago
ILoveYork! says
13 years ago