0Friends 1Fans
male Fairfax, VA, United States
I write, design, paint, and have zero social graces that are fitting or enjoyable to the rest of the world. I am however very attractive and may be a prisoner to my good looks. Anyhow, this is me I write for the Intelligentsia and show up on I-pads.
11 years ago
m for me here online. +JO.
olmo33 wonders
11 years ago
No progess to speak of as of today I am still without my digital freedom blogger, WordPress, Yahoo, hotmail, Facebook have all been compromised and attacked in America. denial of service & phishing r a proble
11 years ago
what am I to do? +JO.
11 years ago
No progess to speak of as of today I am still without my digital freedom blogger, WordPress, Yahoo, hotmail, Facebook have all been compromised and attacked in America.
11 years ago
I have been indemnified in America and my Civil Rights have been violated by the Government.
13 years ago
Jehoshaphat!! (LOL)
13 years ago
Jerk music, jerk movies, jerk chicken and jerk(y) boys...
thingz tht strt wth the ltr "J".
13 years ago
the music gets me high...the strike is where the spark begins.