3Friends 0Fans
female Albany, NY, United States
11 years ago
And a happy Singles Awareness Day to all~!
11 years ago 3
So the weather forecast says that my region's in for at least a foot of snow. Oh joy.
opalescentegg shares
11 years ago 8
So, just learned that this happened: Timbuktu mayor: Mali rebels torched library of histo...Anyone who has even the slightest interest in world history knows how devastating this is. Think I'll go cry in a corner now.
11 years ago 2
Watched the movie "Allegro Non Troppo" with the family. And that one song with the cat... ;;;^;;; Sososo sad /cuddles own kitties close/
11 years ago 6
Finally got around to blocking a lace shawl I finished knitting a couple of months ago.
11 years ago 2
Eeee! Hitchcock's "Notorious" is on TCM! It's been too long since I've seen this movie. And Carey Grant and Ingrid Bergman are wonderful~! If you'll excuse me...
11 years ago 12
Baking a carrot cake for my dad's birthday~ (party) Haven't made one of these before, but hopefully it turns out alright.
11 years ago 5
I've been looking at the ever-growing stacks of books that have been accumulating since my birthday and through the holidays...I think I need a third bookcase.
11 years ago 2
So, looks like work isn't happening today. Not that I got the day off, just that when I tried to drive in to work the snow on the road was making me slide around like an air-hockey puck. Not exactly safe.
11 years ago 1
Finished watching the "Muppet Christmas Carol" with the family a little while ago. It's kind of a stupid, dorky tradition, but it's ours.