5Friends 45Fans
male New York, NY, United States
old guy, painter, photoshopper, social media enthusiast.
13 years ago
I was just reminded of Plurk, came here and see that I've plurked 3 times in 3 years!
p0ps loves
15 years ago
I just made a great looking photo with iPhone/Autostitch/Photogene: Delmonico's Restaurant, Downtown, New York post.ly/CuPL
16 years ago
I forget what services I hooked up to ping.fm
p0ps loves
16 years ago
that I woke up to 3 @ replies on twitter - one from #2 plurker in Philippines. greetings jsuplido!
p0ps loves
16 years ago 2
wondering what service(s) we'll all gravitate too since twitter can't handle us.
p0ps loves
16 years ago 1
dense coffee while looking at the downtown skyline.
16 years ago
daily show done. A/C on. I"m out.
p0ps is
16 years ago 1
sitting down to spend an hour working in Photoshop and saying, "yes" to Ruth who asks, "Do you want a cookie?"
p0ps is
16 years ago