26Friends 5Fans
female Baguio, Philippines
i'm college student,
taking up BSIT at the University of Baguio.

i usually watch tv, surf the net,
and talking to my friends. i eat a lot, hnD Lng hLta..
and i also Enjoy singing..

[email protected]
[email protected]
pAtaMoN says
14 years ago
im Back Guys!!
pAtaMoN says
15 years ago
hEllo!! :-)
pAtaMoN says
15 years ago
sooo haPPyy!!!
pAtaMoN says
15 years ago
i BeLonG to the royal blooD!!
pAtaMoN asks
15 years ago
please add me at Fs..[email protected]
pAtaMoN says
15 years ago
iM bacK! (wave) hellO TO ALL!
pAtaMoN is
15 years ago