Popsicle sticks: $1. caramel: $3. onion: $2. watching your friends bite into a caramel onion thinking its an apple: priceless.
If you have a homing pigeon and you let it go, if it doesn't come back it's because it was just a regular pigeon.
I don’t want to say I am a pessimist, but for lent I am giving up hope.
If your manhood has become a bit green, floppy and scaly. you could be suffering from a reptile dysfunction.
Knowing sign language is a handy skill when it comes to identifying schizophrenics at famous people's funerals.
Whoever convinces blind people that they need sunglasses is one heck of a salesman....
You got to razzle
You gotta shine
You've got to move that major groove right up in the line.