49Friends 9Fans
pikepike dice
14 years ago
eh buset! sendirian dah gue nih
pikepike dice
14 years ago
ya allo karma 0 haha
pikepike dice
15 years ago 5
karma gue terjun bebas.... WUIIIIII...!!!
pikepike dice
15 years ago
astajim.... capek gue.... (annoyed)
pikepike dice
15 years ago 2
teardrops on my guitar - Taylor Swift (music)
pikepike dice
15 years ago
He talks to me, I laugh 'cause it's just so funny. I can't even see, anyone when he's with me
pikepike dice
15 years ago 3
mbak gue nntn cinta fitri ih\
pikepike dice
15 years ago 13
gak penting
pikepike dice
15 years ago
pikepike dice
15 years ago
justin bieber jablay