►提里斯 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
緹穆斯 Karma: 16.02
not stating / other
- 惡行角, 同盟
王國|黑澤爾 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taiwan
帝國的奧爾丁頓 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
迦文|納十 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
王國♘馴鹿麵包屋 Karma: 0.00
- The Union, Horn of Plenty
林間暗影🌿 Karma: 71.02
not stating / other
- 迷霧森林, 同盟
EC|Topaz Karma: 73.09
- Beskonechnosne Monarchy, ( Temporary )
削鐵如泥⚒ Karma: 0.00
- Goldchooper, Alliance
丹冥 沃克 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Kaohsiung City, Taiwan