73Friends 10Fans
female NC, United States
I'm a wife to a cool dude,mom to the craziest kid, runner, knitter and sew project bags in my freetime. I'm addidicted to just about everything to do with yarn or fabric.

on instagram theploverbird
Theploverbird says
11 years ago 8
for all who haven't heard. We move to Hawaii in a few weeks so what is in the shop is the last of inventory for a while get it while you can.
Theploverbird says
11 years ago 1
in celebration to the hubs coming home use the coupon code "homecoming" for 10% off the shop
Theploverbird says
11 years ago
The shop is now live.
Theploverbird says
11 years ago
shop update today at noon EDT here feel free to replurk.
Theploverbird wants
11 years ago
everyone to know how bad common core...most states are teaching it. (angry) and they're data mining info on our kids! if interested there is a 5 part video on youtube here is pt1 Part 1 of 5 Stop the Common Core
Theploverbird will
11 years ago 1
take a good 3'' out of my castle, it grew to the point it is past my butt.
Theploverbird wants
11 years ago 1
to know why my house didn't vacuumed when I was on my run? I left it out. (LOL)
Theploverbird says
11 years ago
the www.theploverbird.bigcar... shop is live
Theploverbird shares
11 years ago 2
shop update tonight at 6:00p. preview is up www.theploverbird.bigcar...
Theploverbird says
11 years ago 3
good Saturday morning!