sigh... I need someone to give me a bloodletting therapy ! My throat is killing me... >"<
精神不濟,喉嚨痛,耳朵痛,腦袋空,心煩意亂,無法專心,I guess I need a LOT of prayers now...
Severe parotitis and might induce tympanitis ... and I'm suffering from extreme frustration and crazily self-negation...
OK... Wake up now! 3 more blocks of questions to be done. Then 8 straight hours of correction. Wish me luck, and pray for my concentration!
OMG!!! 我現在一整個不敢看新聞... 台灣的政府到底在幹嘛?一邊生氣、一邊難過、還一邊失望...
Okay... The Final Change: August 31st. (The Last Day) Take a deep breath, and Fight for my future! 用盡吃奶的力氣,達到最終的目標!Fight For It!!!
今天有很大的進步:能夠專心念書了! but... still... 累... BTW, 我快變成一隻熊---一隻「神經不正」熊
Headache, sore throat... I'm tired... >"< But I can't take a break... I need to study!!!