35Friends 48Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
Author of www.conversationmarketing.com, owner of www.portentinteractive.com. Wondering what it all meaaannnnssss.
16 years ago
Dropped Dawn off at the airport. I'm now dad, CEO and mom for the next four days...
portentint says
16 years ago
Off to San Francisco today. A relatively short trip for me these days...
16 years ago
StumbleUpon Captivity, Day 7: My captors remain merciless. They don't respond to my entreaties to tell me why, why...?
16 years ago
Beverly Hills Chihuahua - this year's sleeper Oscar hit? (kidding - it was cute though)
portentint says
16 years ago 1
Going to drop son off at a party. Then me and my daughter get to go to a movie :-)
16 years ago
A Copywriter's Guide to Semantic Markup: ping.fm/VoGGt It's fun, I promise!!!!!
16 years ago
My theory appears correct: Rain in Seattle this AM, market waffles. Sun now, market down 200 points...
portentint says
16 years ago
Neil Gaimain shows how dumb T-Mobile can be: journal.neilgaiman.com/2...
16 years ago
Off to a speaking gig this morning...
16 years ago
Seattle weather has an inverse relationship to Wall Street market conditions.