43Friends 12Fans
female Davao, Philippines
21st century girl :-)
11 years ago
wazz up ?? im so bored :-(
-tin- shares
12 years ago
School is pointless. English: We speak it. History: They're dead, get over it. Math: We have calculators everywhere. Spanish: We have Dora. #lol
-tin- shares
12 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/4xT2jWed5uIerbrzFJ8Dua.jpgwacky girl with a curly hair :-D
12 years ago
i never change, i just see shit differently now.
12 years ago
One Direction - Irresistible (Lyrics + Pictures + Do... it makes your lips so kissable, and your kiss unmissable. your fingertips so touchable, and your eyes IRRESISTIBLE :-)
12 years ago
Stop chasing after people, right ones who belong in your life will come to u and stay.
12 years ago
You know what's up I know what's up. There's no point & playing!
-tin- is
12 years ago
sleepy ! Stop party na veh
12 years ago
damu fo0dx :-) Kalingaw
12 years ago
I wont let him to ruin my night