2Friends 4Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
this is my brain dump
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 4
Domino: I really want a plot. It's boring in here.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago
Scott: I don't want to know that my brother is a former convict. I don't want to think of what happened to him in prison or how I failed him
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 6
nate: I want to get a pretzel. Does anyone want to take me?
pupsforplay is
14 years ago
Tyler: you need to play me some place active. Preferably some place where I can be awesome quasi-telepathic weapon guy.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 1
Elaine: I do hate to seem impolite, but I would like to go somewhere busy with Clark.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 4
Emma: this is going to be an interesting story.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 11
Domino: I'm not sleeping with Mystique, I don't care how sparkly she is.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 6
Domino: I understand. It's better this way. I've just been limping around since Cable died. Franklin will be more useful.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 7
Emma: for god's sake do I have 'Do Not Trust' tattooed to my forehead? This is ridiculous, and only making me more snarky.
pupsforplay is
14 years ago 6
still Lorna: give someone else a thread, I need a vacation.