26Friends 10Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
I'm friendly, funny, smart etc..
I only someone who wanna have a lot of friend..
That's all..
Ario says
12 years ago
Pusiing belajar minescape
Ario says
13 years ago
Ario says
13 years ago
ngantuk abissss... :-&
Ario says
14 years ago
Hoaaaaaaah :-o
Ario says
14 years ago update status..ud lama gak main di dunia maya (LOL)
Ario says
15 years ago
Bsk ujian Sedimen Karbonat :-o
Ario says
15 years ago
The Great Morning.. :-D
Ario says
15 years ago 2
demam :-&
Ario says
15 years ago
I hate tomorrow coz it the most buzzy day :-&
Ario says
15 years ago
HUFF..End of week, end of break time and tomorrow start back again to activity..:-(