22Friends 15Fans
male Bakersfield, CA, United States
I'm retired from the Jewelry business. I have many hobbies some with animals,photography and photo editing
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
The Congress is about to act on the Internet Censorship Bill ping.fm/G9hoP It's time to tell them they work for US...
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
Happy Birthday to The King of The Internet Leo Laporte
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
Meeting up with Michael this morning over at the Spanish Bay resorts . Haven't seen my Son in a few years
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
an article by Lauren Weinstein about the newest way to Censor the Internet. ping.fm/r5BoH
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
Phenominal ET's is on freedomslips.com with Tim Dulger and guest Talking about expedition North Pole
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
it's noagendastream with theRealDvorak and adamcurry . join me at ping.fm/qrtlK
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
listening to Revolution Radio freedomslips.com talking about Comets and everything looking up
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
OH WOW every chrome io attendant received a new chrome tablet wow
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
googleio2011 ,Very exciting for anyone who is a Chrome IO fan
randy_nacol2002 says
13 years ago
Well, The Gov. isn't closing and GOP caved. the DEM's ,mostly got it's way. Tea Party it's time to revolt Both parties out in 2012