2Friends 0Fans
female Philippines
no words can tell.
razileefoster is
14 years ago
listening to "heartbreak" -- one of neyo's songs
razileefoster has
14 years ago
ran out of credits but can still send text messages. kewl.
razileefoster is
14 years ago
sooo FULL = |
razileefoster is
14 years ago
having frequent urination. ehrr
razileefoster is
14 years ago
currently uploading recorded videos in youtube :]
14 years ago
accidentally drop her ipod the 5th time today
14 years ago
People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end.
14 years ago
I miss those times when I would wake up each day getting a text from someone that says "good morning baby, don't skip meals, i love you" =|
14 years ago
Lord you're all I have
14 years ago
not feeling good