36Friends 12Fans
I'm officially quiting plurk.. let's twit~!! find me in Twitter rebecca900630
Kiddult munster0606 I'm at meatworks now~!! (woot)
i really need YOU in my life..
jus finish class now nid to rush back home bath n go for shootin rehearsal..
whole body aching.. nitez ppl~!! =)
Pls Support and Vote Famous Crew in Showdown 2010 just sms SD <space> FMC to 33399 thks :-)
arg~!!! I'm so so so hungry now... Zzzzz
sigh.. I have neglected plurk.. should I celebrate it or? hahahahha~!! (ninja)
at Damansara Palace restoran for PCS2 's parents day dinner..
so sleepy.. ><