38Friends 34Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
Quirky. Pagan. Wife. Mother. Web Designer. Home Body. Knitter. Crafty Girl. Book Worm. Writer. NIN fan. Type I Diabetic.

Ravelry: rilana
Google Talk: rilana
rilana is
15 years ago 1
awake and having some coffee. It's tooearly. :-(
15 years ago
Knitting on the Norwegian Stocking and trying to ignore the background noise. I need more coffee too, I think. :-)
rilana is
15 years ago 1
going offline for the night. Some novel reading and then bed time for me. G'night all! (bye)
rilana feels
15 years ago 2
like knitting and being lazy today. :-D
15 years ago 3
I slept in a bit this morning. I woke up with the girls fighting in the hallway and slamming of the doors. UGH!
15 years ago
I'm watching Family Guy. Gah, that show is a hoot!
15 years ago
My index finger is feeling so much better. I can bend it and swelling is down. It's a bit sore still, but I can use it. YAY Knitting!
rilana loves
15 years ago 2
that the sun is shining and it will be in the upper 50's later today. :-D
rilana wants
15 years ago
to knit, but my finger won't cooperate. Now what? I may just read a book, today instead. :'-(
15 years ago 2
My index finger is throbbing like no tomorrow and I am out of ibuprofen, dammit! Taped finger to keep from bending it.