231Friends 86Fans
female Tacloban, Philippines
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Cool story bro! Don't tell it again. -_-
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Smile though your heart is aching! :-)
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Hey there sweet thing! ;-)
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
I love you, and I always will! :-)
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
i can feel your heartbeat. ❤
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
yes! love is unconditional.
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Guys dont realize how fragile a girls heart is until its broken. :-(
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Girls have a lot of crushes but their hearts belong to only one guy.
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
We talked about old times and it made me smile because you didn't forget
rochie13_baliw says
12 years ago
Ladies, if a guy has hurt you, don't waste your time worrying over him. He doesn't deserve any more of your time.