14Friends 3Fans
male San Pedro, Philippines
I am vhey!! the wonder boi... heheheh..
lving in a world that is futuristic and foreseeing a better life for tomorow.
oh how pleasing to hear.. hahaha...
nasty cruel boi..
i'm not that one..
i'm living today..

if you like try to visit my fs
aves wishes
15 years ago
jum jum... add me in your FB!!!! [email protected].... jum jum!!!
aves wishes
15 years ago
that i could have a new work!!!! kabagot na sa trabaho!!! haizt!!!!
aves wishes
15 years ago
that i could be more productive in some aspects of myself!!! haizt!!!!!!!!!
aves loves
15 years ago
aves says
15 years ago
aves says
15 years ago
txt me!!!!!!!! 09322876010
aves says
15 years ago
that GOD rocks my world!!!
aves says
15 years ago
I really need to change!!!!
aves hopes
15 years ago
muztah pips?
aves hopes
15 years ago
that all will be fine after this talk!!!