2Friends 13Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
Web Developer
ryanmr wonders
15 years ago 1
still what will happy if I don't use this...
ryanmr wonders
15 years ago
what would happen if I plurked once a day about how I'm not going to use plurk anymore...?
ryanmr is
15 years ago
pretty much done with Plurk. I mean, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore.
ryanmr is
15 years ago
just too tired to continue working tonight
ryanmr is
15 years ago
not really liking the fact I loose Karma for not plurking when I'm actually just busy working.
ryanmr is
15 years ago
going to reinstall my mom's office computer
ryanmr says
15 years ago
this is what happens when I start coding, I don't think about any of these other things.
ryanmr likes
15 years ago
when Google does something, everyone is all FTW for a few days and then it gets quiet...
ryanmr wonders
15 years ago
just about how many frameworks I've looked at in the last couple days... at least 9
ryanmr feels
15 years ago
wonderful after finally beating JSON cookies into submission with old flashing debugging :-D