3 cm dialated and 70% effaced! Now hopefully I do not stay like this for 2 weeks!!!
cant believe at the end of this week I will be in my 3rd trimester!!
my history teacher! Who gives 2 chapters to read that are over 34 pages each, then 6 powerpoints and 2 videos to watch?
so ready for March to be here!
Man this snow just makes me want to snuggle up and the couch, drink hot chocolate, and watch tv. But school work is calling me!
time for some football. GO POKES! Lets kick some sooners butt!
ending grade for English-91.60%! Woot go me! Now just to wait for my other class to post my final grade..I hope its coon!!
WOW it has been forever since I have been on here!!!
seriously wanting to rip my hair out right now ppl piss me off!!
havent been on here in ages!!!!! bout time i check it.