1Friends 3Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
sammcafee says
13 years ago
InfoQ: Technical Debt a Perspective for Managers ping.fm/nFTgW
sammcafee says
14 years ago
We have Django working with nose, selenium and lettuce now. Sweet.
sammcafee says
14 years ago
completely updated the content on our site this morning. ping.fm/UEWmU
sammcafee says
14 years ago
RadicalFusion is already looking at a larger office space to accommodate our growing team.
sammcafee is
14 years ago
is going to automate JavaScript unit testing and coverage today
sammcafee says
14 years ago
helping our new developer get LAMP, XDebug, PDO, Phing, PHPUnit and PDT Eclipse all running smoothly on Ubuntu.
sammcafee says
14 years ago
descends once again into the dark underworld of Zend framework's implementation of PHPUnit. Need a flashlight.
14 years ago
feeling refreshed after a weekend in the mountains with the family.
14 years ago
getting ready to leave town.
15 years ago
celebrated the new year by spending all day and evening building furniture for the new office.