不想看新聞,但又很想知道..看了相關資訊,又覺得很火大; 這些當官的,到底有沒有擔當和計畫??..在這裡的我,透過網路,bbs了解的情形,比國內媒體報導的還多..這是怎麼回事?
there will be better solutions for the current situation
the IRB approval from the L.A. County, finally...now...still wait..
those people who lose their houses can be rescued ; missing people are found and safe.
everything will be fine. It's really sad to see the photos and watch the news. Those roads that I am familiar with are gone.
super tired..really hope to have some rest and get the paper finished; it will be due soon...what a crazy life
跑掉一個subject,補了兩個 (numbers this week: still 6, next week: 2..so far)