84Friends 111Fans
male New Haven, CT, United States
I'm now a PhD student in Computer Science Department of Yale University. My academical interests are programming languages, type, and analysis.
scw says
15 years ago
食畢蒸 蛋
scw says
15 years ago 6
New Haven current: 66°F (18.8°C); humidity: 95%
scw has
15 years ago 3
choose the wrong option when restoring his computer and his Linux installation is gone @%^%$%@#$^@&$%%
scw says
15 years ago
天氣比較乾, 嘴巴就一直乾, 然後就一直喝水一直跑廁所 orz 還好廁所在對門 orz
scw says
15 years ago 2
食畢龍蝦大餐 (hungry)
scw says
15 years ago
This IS the ONE!
scw is
15 years ago 7
going to take a shower, has a tomato, and a bottle of beer (kinda weird combination :-P).
scw says
15 years ago
Ferarri 結果最後還是沒讓大舒上去跑 xD 從測試員、前 F3 冠軍拉人上來 xD
scw is
15 years ago 2
going to sell his soul to see if he can get support to go to ICFP