13Friends 42Fans
male Waurika, OK, United States
Location: Sugden, Oklahoma
Favorite colors: Green, Black, Red, Yellow
Anything else: Just ask....
Shackel says
14 years ago
I'm gonna be moving again soon... I hope.
Shackel says
14 years ago
@_@ So cold...
Shackel says
15 years ago
I wish it was already christmas...
Shackel is
15 years ago
not in the best of moods...
Shackel says
15 years ago
^_^ It's almost Christmas.
Shackel says
15 years ago
It was a day like any other...
Shackel says
15 years ago
I should probably be asleep right now. =w=
Shackel says
15 years ago
I have monkey in my brain!! And they tell me not to do things!!
Shackel says
15 years ago
My feet hurt...
Shackel says
15 years ago
I'm back again.