Shai Coggins
172Friends 384Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Writer. Publisher. Artist. Teacher. Dreammaker.

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Shai Coggins
11 years ago 13
Checking in here after many years... So, this thing IS still around? Who among my friends are still here, I wonder?
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
I don't usually fancy using social media to vent, but today please excuse me when I just post... AAAARRRGGHHH! :-P #* @!
Shai Coggins
13 years ago 1
So, who's planning a Harry Potter party to celebrate the final movie release next month?
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
Making chicken, fennel & saffron ragout, served w/salad, baguette + rice for tonight's dinner. Also baking strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
Just done a video interview for Microsoft in both English & Tagalog. Sadly, my Tagalog sounded so wonky! *embarrassed*
Shai Coggins
13 years ago 2
Up for 2 hours now, baking. I hope this is worth it and that my co-workers appreciate it. Heh. :-P
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
Yesterday was my dad's 3rd year death anniversary. The memory saddens me. Yet, people I care about gave me reasons to smile & be grateful.
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
Feels a bit melancholic. Not sure exactly why. Maybe my dad's birthday today has something to do it. Missing him. :-(
Shai Coggins
13 years ago 1
Ok, nasty cold, you win today. Staying home to try & rest you off. Can't promise I won't do any work, though. Even have a mtg + docs to do.
Shai Coggins
13 years ago
Decided against calling in sick today, as I have too much work to do. Hope no one at the office minds a bit of sniffle & splutter. :-P