18Friends 8Fans
male changhua, Taiwan
shihweihuang 正在
14 years ago 1
just had a huge discussion about death penalty. Wonder what others think..
shihweihuang 正在
14 years ago
going home now! it was a nice trip, 4 quick days in North Vietnam. See you soon!
shihweihuang 正在
15 years ago 14
planning a bike trip with my sister, 花東縱谷行193縣道 this weekend!
shihweihuang 分享
15 years ago 3
shihweihuang 正在
15 years ago 2
gonna have a great dinner at J-Ping tonight!
shihweihuang 正在
15 years ago 3
tried to go to L'Idiot, a French restaurant, but it was totally reserved for lunch and dinner.
shihweihuang says
15 years ago 3
social dinner with 13 old man for third straight night, tiring
shihweihuang 正在
15 years ago 36
magic is fun