53Friends 11Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Life is like a cup of neskafe...sometimes it can be too bitter or too sweet but u drink it anyway.
Twitter: @ ezzzet
shoetight shares
10 years ago
Decided to try out the new daily photo feature. Currently at lib sambil dgr Aizat. Punyala self-centered nampak tak. #DailyPhoto
shoetight is
11 years ago 6
stress follower kurang sorang haisheh
shoetight says
11 years ago 8
aritu lepak dgn ex classmate yang baru kawen ngan mamat jerman ni.Lepas balik member cite the first thing yang mamat jerman tu cakap pasal aku, "not handsome..he's not handsome" kuang hajo! hahaha
shoetight says
11 years ago 2
tetiba profile tak cecantik dulu? ala2 macam ada coding salah gitu
shoetight says
11 years ago
don't you put me on a back burner
shoetight says
11 years ago 13
tetiba dapat tau ex dah pregnant... mixed feelings
shoetight says
11 years ago 30
henpon masuk air uhuk
shoetight says
11 years ago 1
wat..susah gilers nak scroll timeline? cursor asek lekat2
shoetight says
11 years ago 7
"friskies dah habis?"
shoetight says
11 years ago 11
selamat hari raya! terlambat 3ari