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male United States
ShopZipCode is a free classified ad listing. We provide all the necessary needs for your online business to prosper in the industry. Through free advertising, each online business is given the opportunity to grow as well as target the right customer.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Always find a way to improve yourself everyday.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Never stop learning. Feed your mind and exercise your brain.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Love your job. If you do so, success is easy and fun to achieve. So try to look for a job that love to do the most.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Some of the basic secrets to success is sufficient knowledge and the proper guidance and help from peers.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Take one step at a time. Rushing things can only lead to a series of unwanted circumstances.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Practice making at least one achievement everyday even to the smallest of things. This is one effective way to make yourself count.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
The true meaning of life is finding one's absolute purpose in the world. Ask yourself this: What am I here for?
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
It doesn't matter how hard you hit the ground or how many times you have fallen. What counts the most is how you get up in each fall.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
Do everything you can everyday and give it your best. A true winner never leaves something for the following day.
shopzipcode is
15 years ago
What is the true potential of social networking sites?