Pocket Ginger!
27Friends 4Fans
female Bowling Green, KY, United States
I love piggy back rides.

Enough said?
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 1
Feeling in a silly mood, and I really want to write someone a letter. Do you want a letter? It might have a few stick figure doodles and lots and lots of hearts, but!
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 23
[cw: possible pet death/mute]
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 6
Polite strangers offering to give me rides to where I'm going so far this morning: 3.
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 3
<--- x a million!!
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 1
Walking though the first snowflakes of the year!!
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 2
How to be 4'9 and 3/4" and limit people pulling over to offer you rides on your five mile walk to work: rap LOUDLY and BADLY to Hamilton. And watch people double take at the girl in ribbons.
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 8
[Work] When it is dead at the tea shop, you are making all of the ice teas for the day, your boss runs to the store -- so you are alone and belt the hallelujah chorus with Pandora.
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 1
When you need to get up, make matcha, change out of pajamas, and walk to the store for rat stuff. But blankets are so warm.
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago
Level of wanting to stay in bed on a cloudy Monday morning and cuddle cats: (super high level)
Pocket Ginger!
9 years ago 8
[rats!] Sammie has been acting kind of lethargic lately, and after losing his brother, I've been really worried about him. So!