I decide to be holiday today. 体調もイマサンくらいだし、世間様に同調してお休みにしてぼーっと過ごすことにした。今日は。
came home from taking a walk. It was so-so cold. 半ズボンはさすがに寒い。
It isn't raining right now, isn't it? いまのうちに。
I stayed up late night for reading a book, so my condition is no good today. なんかぼーっとして、何をするにもはかどらん。
Though it is bad weather, I will take a walk to Tenso shrine for praying. 最近すっかり日課になっている。
I pickled some cucumbers for the first time in few months, because they had been too expensive.
I could not predict this serious situation.