41Friends 44Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
Two thousand years ago, the ancients prophesied the birth of a child-- a child who shall deliver the human race from the onslaught of evil.

Behold, for I am he.


Blah, blah, blah: A Random Technical-sounding and Geekish Title
11 years ago 1
hala, naa pa diay plurk? lolz
simoncpu says
11 years ago 1
hello to Plurk once again
11 years ago 1
whispers does this feature already work?
simoncpu wonders
11 years ago
if Plurk is still alive...
simoncpu asks
11 years ago
Does this thing still work?
simoncpu has
12 years ago
simoncpu says
12 years ago
hello to plurk
simoncpu is
12 years ago 3
surprised that Plurk still exists.
simoncpu says
12 years ago 1
hahahaha, Plurk is still alive? LOLz...
simoncpu says
12 years ago
plurk is dead again