43Friends 34Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
I am too fond of music. Wait. That's not bad. And hey! Chech these out:

HarlequinGirl! says
15 years ago 1
Hello plurkers. HAHA. Updating for the heck of it. Katamadna mag Plurk eh. SARREH.
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago 3
Ayaw ko nang mag Plurk! Di ko maalagaan.(LOL)
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
HarlequinGirl! hopes
16 years ago
that my cough would go away. Boohoo.
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
Goodevening! :-D
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
Bronx Mowgli is a weird name. But Bronx is a happenin' place and Mowgli is an awesome Disney character. HAHA!
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago 2
HAH! 49.15 nalang karma points ko from 52.something. FAIL (rofl)
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
GOODNIGHT. :-) 20 hours to go!! HAHA!
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
GAYA GAYA KA TALAGA. Lechugas. Babay.
HarlequinGirl! says
16 years ago
If you like it, then you shoulda' put a ring on it. (dance) (music)