8Friends 38Fans
male Austin, TX, United States
spiffie says
14 years ago
Why yes, Windows, I *would* like to install 22 security patches this morning.
spiffie says
14 years ago
Why yes, Windows, I *woudl
spiffie says
14 years ago
Victory is mine!
spiffie says
14 years ago
RIP Google
spiffie says
14 years ago
Bah. Naturally my data usage is just above the lower cap: 240 MB averaged over six months. *Grumble*
spiffie says
14 years ago
Neat. Every record created for at least the last 7 years on the file I maintain has been created with a bad unique identifier. Fun times!
spiffie says
14 years ago
Uh oh can't connect to DropBox. Freak out!
spiffie says
14 years ago
THUNDER! Happy Memorial Day!
spiffie says
14 years ago
Waking up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps is no fun.
spiffie says
14 years ago
says Unless I'm missing something, Google's WebFont loader seems to be busted.