21Friends 65Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Scientist, knitter, ballgown designer, artistic dilettante, logophile, sometime wine snob. Adores tea and chocolate.

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stellae wonders
15 years ago
whether she wants wine and cheese or ice cream and tea to go with her quality TiVo time...
stellae thinks
15 years ago
it's pretty cool that she can almost do a forward walkover. KindaSortaMaybe. Time for practice with a spotter and soft squishy mats...
stellae wonders
15 years ago 8
how exactly the "Daily Photo" feature is supposed to work...
stellae has
15 years ago
just eaten a thoroughly delightful snowflake-shaped gingerbread cookie. Simple pleasures, folks.
stellae thinks
15 years ago
she has gone far, far too long without Plurking. Karma of 0.00. 'Doh!
stellae is
15 years ago 2
heading out to dinner and super happy about her engagement photos. So cute! :-)
stellae thinks
15 years ago
it's long past bedtime. Night all!
stellae wonders
15 years ago
if there is a way to file a complaint with UPS about irresponsible delivery men. Grrr.
stellae is
15 years ago
annoyed with her stole. or maybe just hungry. hard to say for certain.
stellae is
15 years ago
beyond thrilled that her advisor likes her approximate thesis proposal! Feels large and scary, but actually doable, now.