22Friends 1Fans
female Philippine, Philippines
MoneyMaker says
5 years ago
I can't even
MoneyMaker says
5 years ago 3
it's alive!!!
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago 1
denying your "significance" is tantamount to being ashamed of you. Someone needs a big bang on the head. (LOL)
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago
sorry babe, but seeing you isn't really the highest point of my day. Hehe ultimate bungee, here we come!
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago
its been ages. seeing you again is going to be interesting...
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago
whooopsss... there goes KARMA! :-P
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago
you're an awful person and you deserve it.
MoneyMaker says
14 years ago
you're a loser, and always will be. :-P
MoneyMaker shares
15 years ago my dad works for her dad. The works of the world...
MoneyMaker says
15 years ago
there's no bad memory in the world that can't be drowned with wine.