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male Phoenix, AZ, United States
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
The extra judicial killing of 5, including three you girls, in Quetta by Pakistani security forces must be condemned and investiga
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
Enjoyed his talk on Balochistan at UC Berkeley because the audience was somewhat informed about the topic and Q&A session was awesome.
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
Bin Laden killed
stunningmalik is
13 years ago
speaking abt "disappeared& displace Balochs" at an international conference at Carnegie Center for International Peace, DC
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
What a disappointing first kiss
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
Its the desk people who decide pics not the writers of the story. Hyper efficiency is annoying, SL Guardian.
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
Don't know who the folks at Sri Lanka Guardian are but its strange they criticized my Dawn article coz of the story pic.
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
Reading from my book at Arizona State University's Tempe Campus.
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
My Vegas hotel, Imperial Palace, sucks: No wifi in the room. Phone signals don't work in the room and hotel lobby.
stunningmalik says
13 years ago
The mother of a young Baloch, who was killed and dumped, smiled 4 the 1st after six months. Thanks Cricketotherapy