tea’s gone cold
120Friends 29Fans
female Lytham St Annes, Great Britain (UK)
Female. MGS. FF7. Classic Who. Adorable. Zarbikin.
Favourite Doctor: Tom Baker
any idiot can be all like "yeah Eminem was good in 2002 but he sucks now". only a real hero can literally weep tears at how beautiful it is when Eminem raps cutup audio glitch effects to say "suck my dick while I'm taking a shit" in a song released in the year of our lord 2020
[Kanye] current Kanye drama is giving me a pretty good window into what Twitter would have been like if we'd had it during the peak Eminem moral panic years
[metal gear rising] Joseju on Twitter
[bad poetry] AnnaLynne McCord on Twitter oh noetry
the hottest Eminem take that I will absolutely defend until I die screaming is that Ass Like That is an extremely intelligent song
https://images.plurk.com/6m7nfIHPRF7Wj5BO6RIjBh.png uh
original_fine saw this and thought of you kate ! 🍎 on Twitter
an underrated aspect of the Super Bowl Half Time Show that my mum had to point out to me is the part where Eminem hides in a doorway, lurking, for like 45 seconds
https://images.plurk.com/7pohBSfAeUJMH3VmWLWv5J.jpg the new FFVII The First SOLDIER event costume is great
Eminem is good