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superdonat wants
11 years ago
to stop from social media....! wasting my time! haha, but i love to wasting time ;P
superdonat wants
11 years ago
to takes a supermoon picture for tonight.... (woot)
superdonat wonders
11 years ago
boil chicken breast with sweet ketchup and green lime with basil leafs and cheese garnish on the top.
superdonat wonders
11 years ago
lazzy sunday
superdonat shares
11 years ago
superdonat thinks
11 years ago
well....actually i got a very success meeting with only sloopy face slooopy feeling, but i did success....and then i came back to warehouse and found oh my God!! what??!! my neeaaahhh doing bad bad stufff!
superdonat thinks
11 years ago
huaaaahhh!!! hikzzzzz!!! nangis darah ngeliat kerjaan neh assistant maen maen aja
superdonat thinks
11 years ago
gimana caranya ngeladenin sama karyawan males dan ngebuangin bahan bahan lo?! huh? sabar??!! sabarkaaaaaaaahh??!!!!!! kalo ga di liatin, maen sembarangan aja! duh!
superdonat thinks
11 years ago
what did i do to my life? things imbalancez at alllllllllllllll yaaaaaaaaallll!!! i hate this!!!!
superdonat thinks
11 years ago
meeting meeting meeting....work latte night, wake up morning, with zero sum money! is that a lazy lifeeeee?? yaaaawwwwnnn!!