194Friends 5Fans
Sevilla, Spain
we are the bridge between
(just trying to poke a hole in the world)

mobile header by heathwind-art @ tumblr
( ffxiv social issues commentary ) tfw your ex and his friends fit the toxic raider discussion going around but you're tired and really don't want him pulling his gaslighting shit and trying to paint u as the abusive one again
he got mites from wood based litter, I sure learned
( health mentions ) hello my ra flares have been so bad this month i just want to live, but the extreme heat in texas says no
https://images.plurk.com/58jewlglXGhCCZRY12eMrP.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5x11toq25UAccEk9CKzCCS.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3wYUumfOSE2vsxYoYtvcF1.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1YzJuGcuMXQNtshaRpo4GB.jpg https://images.plurk.com/69WAEVn1sFjkrNOV2PAoEL.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4zDx4jPUQLRBnhiBfJLjYc.jpg
separate plurk to share many photos of Boy
https://images.plurk.com/1XgmOYokXt4MBVgrlalRDx.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2G5rRXBHj1KU97OXYcc98N.jpg
finally, I can do this,
I am very very slowly getting to do Dawntrail between my move and dealing with my dad's estate, but have girl
sorry i keep coming here to vent but man, murphy's law wants me to know it exists this past month and a half and wants me to live in it non-stop, i guess.
https://images.plurk.com/3mNwbvHQX7ufGYUi5JjnC7.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4GZRAclTdJZdpDWEUQ5Nlp.jpg
he is......... babey
https://images.plurk.com/6Nu2Xn4mVpGnX6pmmqm3py.gif https://images.plurk.com/t8dgFeTLTNSHVE65QSwJ6.gif
i'm still so normal about him. as in, wow it's been ten years, but i sure am not normal about him at all (or elves in dragon age in general)