yumi Karma: 47.77
not stating / other
- Taiwan
涼涼 Karma: 30.72
not stating / other
- Taiwan
柒陸 Karma: 50.22
- Taiwan
rikuuu09 Karma: 0.06
- 北部, Taiwan
深夜未歸 Karma: 42.65
not stating / other
- Taiwan
ㄉㄊㄕㄢㄕㄗ.bot Karma: 1.46
not stating / other
- Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
wannasleep Karma: 39.05
not stating / other
- Taiwan
我是啾滴 Karma: 29.62
- Taiwan
Jessie🌛 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taiwan