196Friends 41Fans
male Arlington, TX, United States
I am an author of over ten books and a teacher of teachers. But what I do best is play dad to some awesome kids and a husband to a great wife!
talljim says
12 years ago 1
finally finished reading "Battle Royale," the Japanese novel many accuse Suzanne Collins of ripping off with Hunger Games.
talljim says
12 years ago 2
I am about to throw my MacBook Pro out the window! (angry)
talljim asks
12 years ago 3
does anyone know how to limit Tweetdeck posts to English-only posts? I so cannot read Russian or Arabic languages!
talljim shares
12 years ago
Google sells off SketchUp in an effort to make the company leaner!
talljim asks
12 years ago
Can anyone help me test our Skype connection from within our district to the outside? Doing an author visit next week w/teacher!
talljim says
12 years ago 1
Does anyone use iStation in your districts?
talljim asks
12 years ago 2
Sup's office is asking for an online project management web app to track deadlines of projects- must be accessible on multiple platforms...
talljim asks
12 years ago 18
Does anyone's district allow some type of filtered Youtube access for teachers? for students?
talljim says
12 years ago 3
Presenting at TLA today in Houston. Please say hi to some awesome librarians! Also, indicate if you are a librarian or media specialist!
talljim asks
12 years ago 8
How many of my PLN friends do not have a Sonic within 5 miles of where you live or work (1/2 price drinks today!)?