my first time doing holiday baking since my wife got me a Kitchenaid..... I'm just drinking a beer and overseeing the machine while it does all the hard work. THE LUXURY
Idgaf about Thanksgiving as a holiday but fuck if I don't love having an excuse to bake a bunch of things. I'm already looking forward to making/having salted honey pie....
asjfdjfdjdio the fact that I came back to plurk a couple days ago AND YET I'm only now gaining karma. I can only assume that everyone I had added for ljrp/dwrp who doesn't really know me & still uses the site unfriended me when some total rando popped up. (understandable, we are basically strangers at this point, but lol)
It's soooo funny to see my last couple plurks from 7 years ago being about making a sweater from my girlfriend and then absolute silence. Real Sweater Curse vibes lmaoooooo. Couldn't be further from the truth tho since we're married now.