58Friends 115Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Catholic Wife and Mother working as a primary teacher for Education Queensland.
Also a blogger, knitter, reader and craftsperson.
teachingmother likes
11 years ago 2
that I sold my first lot of Avon's A-F33 today. Hopefully many more to come.
teachingmother is
11 years ago
Die! Onions Die!Die! Onions Die! in which Daniel acquires more kitchen experience
teachingmother is
11 years ago
having a "working play date" with a colleague today so we can make resources to support Words Their Way
teachingmother loves
11 years ago 1
That she finally made it to a VKN with Fifikins. Are any of those ladies on Plurk?
teachingmother says
11 years ago
and in Brisbane I'm thinking about socks because we might get down to 18C
teachingmother says
11 years ago 8
Fifikins if I pay the $78 I get the three packages? www.etsy.com/listing/123...
teachingmother says
11 years ago 1
thanks to Fifikins and her podcasts I'm up to "decreasing" on my second beanie.
teachingmother says
11 years ago
updated the profile pic to show the the puppy - 6 months old today
teachingmother asks
11 years ago
fifikins are you around? I need a translation
teachingmother has
11 years ago 3
made her own scratch-it cards for the classroom today and they work!