At work, looking at a very typical day.
Home from chiropractors. mowed lawn, tilled around the firepit preping for odgen erc and eating supper.
Monday is Tuesday this week. Hey! that makes for a short week!
Up and exercising for the chiropractor.
Picked up daughter and husband from airport. they are returning from seattle. found a geocache on the way from the scout office to
Up adn preping for a chiropratctor checkup. Grandkids get to go home this morning. exciting weekend with them.
Slept in today. babying sitting Ellie and Noah for the weekend. Did my exercises. need to shower and feed grandkids and myself. No
Big day had to work a couple of hours, did a little geocaching, went to the DCARC meeting, watched grandkids at the pumkin weighin
Preparing to head to work. Must be there by 6:30am.
watching grandkids adn ratatoulle. doing chiropractor exercises.