53Friends 9Fans
female Wroclaw, Second life
Katarina shares
12 years ago 1
Katarina says
12 years ago
yay, being high alone at home LOVE
Katarina says
12 years ago
yushh i re-did my hair and they're fucking pink now.
Katarina says
12 years ago
www.facebook.com/brainxc guys if you would like a logo or something, check his things out, he's really awesome.
Katarina says
12 years ago
www.internetshouldbeille... excuse me, what the fuck XD
Katarina says
12 years ago
i teared my ear partly, wearing a 16mm. it look really bad but i hope it will be fine soon. ITS OKAY TO HAVE A BANDAGE ON YOUR EAR!
Katarina says
12 years ago
i bought https://www.humblebundle... pack! with Saints Row and Titan Quest. fuck yeah!
Katarina says
12 years ago
biology, history and security knowledge tests tomorrow shots herself