53Friends 9Fans
female Wroclaw, Second life
Katarina says
12 years ago
http://wd9.photoblog.pl/np5/201210/BE/134587958.jpg wardrobes are gone already, only PC and few of my items left to move out :-)) bed was the worst, i needed to move bed on 6th floor because it wouldnt fit to elevator (annoyed)
Katarina says
12 years ago
Yay moving out to new house.. again!:|
Katarina says
12 years ago
damn i was about to go to sleep but i forgot about Society Knowledge homework ;_;
Katarina asks
12 years ago
Oh Friday, where are you D:
Katarina says
12 years ago
Good evening Plurktown :-)) it was really busy day and i get B from my Cultural Knowledge homework \o/
Katarina says
12 years ago 4
I'm so excited for The Walking Dead season 3 D:
Katarina says
12 years ago
my Cultural Knowledge homework sucks. I'm really bad at all presentations that requires 5minutes+ speaking ;_;
Katarina shares
12 years ago
Katarina shares
12 years ago
http://wd9.photoblog.pl/np5/201209/2A/134000508.jpg Oh hai it's just me, creepy eyes and weird hair colour.
Katarina says
12 years ago
I just wanted to say.. i'm getting SNAKEBITES in a hour and half :-D